Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Chains are Change

I like to think that nobody can affect the way I dress. 
But, I really believe that it is almost imposs for one to not be influenced by another with the way they present themselves. 

I happen to have a man-pal who I often share a bed with, attend events as each other's plus ones and "cuddle" in times of self-loathing and stormy weathers. 
This dude is a bit of a big deal. 
Let's keep him anonymous simply for gigs. 

Okay, so geting off topic. 
I have been hanging foul with this gent for around a year now and as much as it is hard to admit - he has affected the way I dress. 

Before subject A made his significant entrance to my life, I was all about grungey dark almost-offensive attires. 
Leather - check. 
Far too many chains and bedazzlments. 
Blue black hair. 
ONLY monochrome. 
Lace and Layers even on a scorcher of a day. 

This may seem a tad wankey, but I like to think that I nailed the stated items as an outfit. 

Approx at March 2012, I found myself in a bright blue bodycon mini-skirt. 
This caused quite the stir in my household. 
My two male roomies were beyond gobsmackled with my unusual choice of colour scheme. 

As months passed by, the threads became brighter, less noisey and pretty damn femmy. 

Yup, I turned gay and soft. 

Even Subject A stated, 
"I like how you wear colour, I think it means you're in love" 

But perhaps I am guilty as charged. 
I feel wrong to be in funeral attire now and feel plain uncomfy. 

As much as I miss my old grunge, street style steez. 
I have this huge affection towards bright pinks and yellows now. 

Peter Pan has finally grown up. 

- A -

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Clothes > Everything Else

"The Best Things in Life are Free. The Second Best are Very Expensive" 
Coco Chanel 

When I was a few years younger with a scum-paying job and very much into drinking...well, every night of the week, I still somehow managed to make purchasing clothes my very first priority. 

I'd be starving broke, but somehow I'd miraculously scrounge up enough coins to procure myself at least one number to wear on the big night out of the week.
This often affected my food intake for a good month, but a titanic thanks to Mi Goreng's I was able to survive the wrath of having a shopping addiction. 
My credit rating is sheer proof to state that finance management was by far my biggest weakness since the 2000's. 

Even now, I have come to the cold realisation that around 75% of my weekly income goes straight to clothes or something relatively materialistic. 

Honestly, could there be anyone better at life than me? 

A perfect example would be me just last week, I received an extremely rude and inconsiderate infringement notice from the government with xxx dollarbites in arrears. 
Due date, Friday.
Pay day, Friday. 
Saturday, one of my closest pal's b-dazzle celebration. 

Naturally, the council received a notice from yours truly stating that the payment will be delayed. 

Mind you, I looked bull-shit good on Saturday night though.

- A -

Monday, 4 February 2013

White Out

Can anybody on the face of this doomed planet look bad in a freshly ironed crisp white blouse? 

Honestly, to this day I can still remember every so clearly, the first time I buttoned myself up in a heavenly-white blouse.
It was a very special moment. 

This takes us back to my school ducks phase.

I went to the same school from Year One all the way to Year Twelve. 
A typical pretentious old-girls private school in a small suburban town that proclaimed itself as the "Garden City". 

Everything about this school I hated barring the bull-shit over-priced uniform. 
They were snobby and definitely over-the-top, naturally, I adored it. 

Our Winter uniform was by far my favourite number. 

+ White Button-Up Blouse +
+ Tartan 100% Cotton/Wool Pleated Skirt +
+ Navy High Socks +
+ Black Mary-Janes +
+Tartan Tie to match the Skirt +

Okay, I understand that the above may sound like something that would feature in a late-night xxx film BUT, give me the ben of the doubt, when I say this but us girls, sure looked bangin'. 

The first time I wore this collaboration was in June 1992. 
At the wee age of 5, I was well-aware that I looked BOSS. 
All thanks to the plain white button-up and perhaps the tie gave it just that cheeky boost too. 

Present time -  at the age of 25. 
I wear a white blouse to work and still feel like I could rule the world simply by poppin' up my well-bleached collars. 
Yes, I'll admit it. 
 I feel mighty sexy y'all. 

I can bet my favourite limb (my left fin) that the general fem pop could not agree with me more. 

(very pleased to go to work this day) 

- A -